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Київ, проспект Миколи Бажана, 16 (між метро Осокорки та Позняки)

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29 Jun 2022, 17:31

Recommendations for choosing the best GPS tracker

Victoria Valevskaya
GPS-моніторинг Recommendations for choosing the best GPS tracker

When we talk about GPS trackers, the only thing that comes to mind is – safety. In today’s life, everyone wants to keep their loved ones and belongings safe. And A GPS tracker can help with this.

Having a GPS tracker can provide you with a lot of security solutions. You can use a GPS tracker primarily for:

  • Real-Time Location Tracking;
  • Theft Prevention;
  • Keeping Watch On Your Family;
  • Locating Your Pets;
  • Hiking and Biking.

The advanced GPS trackers packed with efficient features are designed for a better user experience.

Recommendations for choosing the best GPS tracker - Image 1

Factors To Consider Before Choosing A GPS Tracker

Nowadays, everyone wants their perfect GPS tracker to be a compact, portable, and multipurpose device. But there are many other factors you should consider before you buy a GPS tracker. Here are some significant factors that determine the efficiency of a GPS tracker.

Active Or Passive Tracking

GPS tracking is categorized into two types – active tracker or passive tracker. An active GPS tracker sends you the real-time location, whereas a passive tracker gathers and records the data, which can be accessed through a computer or any other device afterward. Passive trackers are very rare these days as active trackers are much better and provide you with the location anywhere and anytime you want.

I-SEE GPS Tracker + bluetooth key

I-SEE GPS Tracker + bluetooth key

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A GPS tracker without a good alert system is practically useless. If your car is being stolen or your kid is lost, and you are not alerted about the same, your GPS tracker is useless. Check out if the GPS trackers come with a proper alerting system. In present times, advanced GPS trackers send you alerts. Some widely used alerts are Geofence, SOS, low battery, engine reporting, fuel reporting.


The advanced trackers are multipurpose and used for numerous tasks. These are suitable for every age group and activity. They can help you locate kids, teens, seniors, pets, luggage, assets, parcels, bikes, vehicles, etc.

Recommendations for choosing the best GPS tracker - Image 1 - Image 2

Unique Features

Tracking solution vendors offer a wide range of add-on services that you can choose to opt for, given you have the budget. These unique features, although not necessary, can considerably make your life easier. Features like Alexa integration, indoor WiFi, magnetic mounting, voice-based command, etc. are not available with simple tracking solutions. But users can choose these if offered by the vendor.


Those who travel a lot, either for work or for leisure, need a tracker that can work smoothly in all kinds of geographical locations. If you travel overseas, it might be a good idea to check with your vendor to see if they offer network coverage in that country.

Battery Backup

Battery life is one of the most important factors to consider before you choose a GPS tracker. A GPS tracker with a poor battery can be big trouble as it may switch off any time. Moreover, you need a GPS device with long battery life to depend on it during emergencies. A GPS tracker should have a good battery life so that you can track your family and assets for a longer period without charging.

Mobile Application

GPS tracking manufacturers also offer an intuitive user interface, accessible through their website and dedicated apps. The application is usually available to download on any Android and iOS device. The point is, users should be able to access the data on any device they use.

Recommendations for choosing the best GPS tracker - Image 1 - Image 2 - Image 3

Easy Of Use

Find a GPS tracker that is easy to use, and anyone can operate it. Be it the elderly, teens, kids, drivers, or office employees, everyone should be comfortable using that device. Quite often, vendors stuff a lot of features into their interface, making it difficult to use. The best interface has a balance of features and ease of use.


To purchase a reliable and durable tracking device you need to find a company that has good reputation and produces quality devices. Also you need to check out the hardware and do a physical test if possible. You can also check the reviews from the E-commerce websites about the durability of the product.


Get a GPS tracker that is small and lightweight. You should be able to place it anywhere you desire. You might need to carry it while you are traveling. You might put it into your pocket, or handbag, or the schoolbag of your kids. A portable tracker is also helpful when you want to accomplish inconspicuous tracking.


Go for a company that provides you with a long-term warranty. Companies that completely trust their device quality offer a long-term warranty for technical issues.

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Tech Support

Like every other machine, GPS tracking devices can also break down without warning. This is why you need a vendor that offers round-the-clock support and can get your problem resolved at any time of the day.

Accessories In The Box

Check out if the tracker comes along with all the necessary accessories. The basic GPS tracker comes with a charger, extra battery, case, user manual, etc.

Customer Reviews

The internet is the best place to find out about the worthiness of a product. You can check out various websites, articles, blogs, and review posts about a particular product. Choose a GPS brand that is loved by everyone and doesn’t have many cons.

Final Word

The above is a generalized list of factors to consider before purchasing a GPS tracker. However, this list should help you choose the device that will be the perfect match for your tracking needs. We hope that these recommendations will help you choose the best GPS tracker.

Source: How To Choose The Best GPS Tracker

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