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Київ, проспект Миколи Бажана, 16 (між метро Осокорки та Позняки)

Working hours
  • Mon - Fri:
  • 09:00 - 19:00 sales department; 09:00 - 18:00 shop
  • Sat - Sun:
  • 12:00 - 18:00 sales department (online consultation)
18 Aug 2022, 14:40

Video surveillance for a private house and cottage: five simple tips 

Partizan Security
Video surveillance Video surveillance for a private house and cottage: five simple tips 

Living in your own cottage is, of course, wonderful. But it is usually more difficult to equip a video surveillance system here than in an apartment. Challenges appear many times more. Let’s talk about them!

First, the number of CCTV cameras and their installation points is increasing. If in an apartment the “entry group” can be limited to one CCTV camera at the door and/or an intercom, in a private estate everything is much more serious:

  • The entrance zone already consists not only of the door, but also of the garage gate, gate, etc.
  • It is necessary to ensure video surveillance of those places where an intruder can imperceptibly enter the territory of the site: we are talking about hidden and darkened areas.
  • Also, you should not forget about the entrances to the utility and outbuildings.

Secondly, CCTV cameras installed outside the premises must be adapted for work in adverse weather conditions. If your CCTV camera has a dust and moisture protection class below IP66, and the operating temperature range is narrower than the “plug” from -40°C to +60°C, we have bad news. Such a model is unlikely to work effectively on the street for a long time.

Thirdly, night vision mode. A simple IR mode may not be enough. Partizan CCTV cameras of the Full Color series, for example, use a hybrid IR+White LED backlight. That is, in quiet mode at dark, the CCTV camera transmits a normal black-and-white image. But if movement is detected in her field of vision, the powerful white LED light will turn on. This not only makes the picture colorful as if on a clear day, but also affects safety and comfort. Sudden illumination can frighten a potential intruder, and it will light the way for its owner. And the neighbors will not be bothered by such a “temporary” lighting option all night long.

Fourth (partially follows from the previous point) — smart functions. In a private estate, not only the ability to detect a person will be useful. Other useful skills are line crossing detection and perimeter penetration. Partizan’s modern equipment is able to do this effectively and efficiently.

Fifth — remote control. Especially if we are talking about a country house, where the owners come periodically. Nowdays people do not part with their mobile phones. Therefore, it has become easy, even necessary, to track images from surveillance CCTV cameras with their help. Partizan equipment effectively interacts with the cloud storage and mobile application for Android and iOS of the same name. At any moment (for example, when you receive an alarm notification), you can see what is happening at home just on the smartphone screen.

Of course, there are “a little” more important criteria for a video surveillance system in a private house. But without the five points mentioned above, it will definitely turn out badly. So keep that in mind!

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